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3. Filling the Knowledge Package metadata

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After accessing and understanding the Deposit interface, the first step required to create a Knowledge Package is to fill in the metadata fields. These fields are part of the Knowledge Package metadata section presented earlier.

To help you fill in this metadata, below is a table where each field is described. Along with this, examples and tips on how to fill in these fields are also presented.


The files section allows you to upload the files associated with the Knowledge Package. For this case, consider that the file in a Knowledge Package does not represent a Knowledge Resource. Instead, it is recommended that files defined directly in the Package have contents that describe the Package itself.

You should note that if no files are to be added to the Knowledge Package, you must set the Metadata-only record option.

The figure below shows how this section can be filled out. In this case, a file in PDF format was uploaded.
File section
Figure: File section

When you have finished editing the Knowledge Package metadata, it is recommended that you save the changes you have made. To do this, click the Save draft button in the Management menu. This will ensure you retain the information you have added.

Also, a good practice related to the persistence of your changes is to always save after adding new information.