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GEO Knowledge Hub

The open-source digital library for open, authoritative and reproducible knowledge

EO Digital Library

The GEO Knowledge Hub (GKH) is a central cloud-based digital library providing access to Earth Observation (EO) Applications developed by the GEO Work Programme Activities.

The GKH It is part of the GEOSS Infrastructure and helps the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) to advance Open Knowledge.

EO Digital library


The scope of the GKH is to promote the replicability and re-usability of EO Applications by sharing with the end users, all the Knowledge Resources essential to fully understand and re-use them.

GKH Scope

Knowledge Packages and Resources

Inside the GKH, users will find EO Applications organized in Knowledge Packages (KP). A KP is composed by Knowledge Resources. This way, users are able to share their applications with all the resources used to compose it.

Packages and resources

Want to contribute?

The GKH offers you a place where you can make your solution visible and available to the rest of the world, in an Open Knowledge approach! To ensure long term discoverability of your work, you will be able to assign Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) and maintain it up to date with version management functionalities.

You are a member of a GWP activity or an EO expert and want to share an EO Application developed within your activity? You are in the right place!

Sharing Knowledge image